Your Arm Lift With Dr. Ersin Gonullu

With advanced age, skin loses its elasticity, and sagging starts on subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin. In patients with advanced problems, when the arms are raised at a ninety-degree angle, a deformed image appears at the bottom, like a bat wing. These problems are solved with arm lift surgery also known as brachioplasty.

Can Arm Lift Surgery Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Arm lift surgery is a cosmetic surgery that is done to minimize the appearance of loose skin in the upper arm.

A similar procedure includes an arm lift, which tackles sagging skin under the arms. Arm lifting surgery can be combined with other procedures, such as liposuction in order to make a significant difference. Arm Lift surgery is often performed on patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and have overhanging skin or loose arm skin.

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How Is The Procedure Performed?

Surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia. If the skin elasticity is not lost and the skin excess is not severe, problem can be solved with liposuction alone. In patients with more advanced problems, surgery or liposuction can be performed individually, or the two methods can be combined. After surgery, an incision line is formed which extends from the inside of the elbow to the armpit.

Arm Lift Surgery Postoperative Care

Patients are discharged on the same day or the following day. Compression garment is used for three weeks. Patient can return to daily lives within the first week. They may start light exercises from the first week onwards. Heavy exercises involving the arm area are allowed after 1-2 months.

It was very important to me to find a good arm lift surgeon, because I wanted the best results possible. I did some research and found out Dr. Ersin Gonullu was the best in his field, so I decided to have my surgery with him.